is off line at the moment as i am working on getting that address to come here direct.This will get done, just as soon as i get round to it.If you can read this, well done for finding us( or your a regular who comes here direct anyway)
Another big thank you to Mr and Mrs Taffy for the splendid mug (Welsh Dragon)! I see a pattern developing here.Thank you thank you thank you!
I see Number 6 is on the market, all those in favour of us buying it say yay!
We are fully booked for July and August( apart from 5 nights in August) Thank you for your support!
New tables are just dandy! Even she who dances on tables approves!
I didn't realise how many people read this drivel, you really should spend your time online for productive work, just like me hahahhahahaha
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Saturday, 28 June 2008 and gossip
Posted by Basildog at Saturday, June 28, 2008